Prices and Payment Plans

Prices and Payment Plans


Total of 1000+ hours taken over 28+ months

Our 300h yoga teacher training overlaps with the level 1 yoga therapy training.

If you have completed the 300h training already then you are left with completing level 2 and level 3 (600 hours), which in total adds up to 900 hours.


LEVEL 1, 2 & 3

Level 1 £1299 can be taken at the same time with the Level 2 course

Level 2 + 3 £4800

The total for level 1, 2 and 3 is £6099 - regular fee

You can either pay in full and receive additional discounts when paying it all at once or you can pay in installments. Check out the payment options below.

Paying in FULL

Early Bird fee when paid in full
If paid in full for level 1, 2 and 3 before the 15th of September the fee is


Without Early Bird when paid in full
If paid in full for level 1, 2 and 3 after the 1st of July the course

the fee is £5299


Available payment plans

Option 1

Early Bird - pay deposit before the 15th of September 2022

If you opt to pay in installments, the fee structure will look like this:

If registered by the 15th of September, you may take advantage of the early bird discount of £799 which brings the fee down to a total of £5300

An initial deposit payment of £1000 will be made before the 15th of September (leaving you will a balance of £4300)

Monthly payments of £239 over a period of 18 months will be made, starting on the 1st of October

Option 2

Without Early Bird

If you opt to pay in installments without early bird, the fee structure will look like this:

An initial deposit payment of £1000 will be made any time before the 1st of October (leaving you will a balance of £5099)

Monthly payments of £284 over a period of 18 months and starting on the 1st of November

LEVEL 2 & 3

In case you have already completed the 300h Yoga Teacher Training (which is also level 1 of the yoga therapy training), you would only enroll for the level 2 and 3

Only Level 2 and 3:

Level 2 + 3 £4800

The total fee for level 2 and 3 is £4800 - regular fee (without early bird discount)

Paying in FULL

Option 1

Early Bird fee when paid in full

If paid in full for level 2 and 3 before the 15th of September the fee is


Option 2

If paid in full for level 2 and 3 the fee is £4800


Available payment plans

Option 1

Early Bird - pay deposit before the 15th of September 2022

If you opt to pay in installments, the fee structure will look like this

An initial deposit payment of £1000 will be made before the 15th of September (leaving you will a balance of £3200)

Monthly payments of £267 over a period of 12 months will be made, starting on the 1st of August.

Option 2

Without Early Bird

If you opt to pay in installments without early bird, the fee structure will look like this:

An initial deposit payment of £1000 will be made upon enrollment followed by

Monthly payments of £267 over a period of 18 months

Please email us at [email protected] to express your interest

At the time of enrollment, please indicate the following:

  1. You are enrolling for level 1,2 and 3
  2. You are enrolling for level 2 and 3
  3. You are paying in full
  4. You're paying in installments

You can pay through our website by clicking on Register Now, or via digital invoice or bank transfer